Contact Me


My dedication is to women and the issues that we endure.

The point of so much education is to ensure that every woman has access to these special services. I have worked hard to come up with programs that will ensure that every woman, no matter her income and circumstances, has access to the medical massage techniques that are available at BeYu llc. You will need to contact Rachael directly to discuss your circumstances and how you will best be served at BeYu llc. 

Cancellation policy: 24 hours advanced notice for cancellations required. 

$130 Minimum Fee charged for No Call, No Show. This amount must be paid before any new appointments will be scheduled. Repeat offenders (more than once) will be required to prepay sessions and loss of any discount program. 

Rescheduled appointments: You may only reschedule your appointment once, more than one reschedule in a month will result in prepay sessions and/or loss of discount program.  NO REFUNDS are given. 


(307) 365-0737

6101 Yellowstone
Suite 117
Cheyenne, WY 82009

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